Quarterly Result - December 2010
Regd. Office : Tinkharia Tea Estate PO. Dhekiajuli 784 110 Dist. Sonitpur, Assam
(Rs. in Lacs)
Sr. No. PARTICULARS Quarter ended (unaudited) 9 Months ended (Unaudited) Year ended
31.12.2010 31.12.2009 31.12.2010 31.12.2009
1 TOTAL INCOME          
Net sales/Income from Operation 1451.26 1062.44 2980.04 2607.2 3444.27
Other income 20.72 83.86 25.16 87.03 264.37
A 1471.98 1146.3 3005.2 2694.23 3708.64
Increase/Decrease in stock in Trade 67.09 -204.13 -738.92 -660.55 -70.38
Purchase of Green Leaf 238.96 69 580 333.02 365.68
Stores Consumption 119.76 90.45 459.5 438.11 595.88
Staff cost 394.48 260.9 1159.26 787.98 1310.46
Power and Fuel 124.21 118.13 378.53 318.84 377.11
Other Expenditure 306.82 373.79 700.56 833.26 697.14
B 1251.32 708.14 2538.93 2050.66 3275.89
3 GROSS PROFIT/(LOSS) (A - B) 220.66 438.16 466.27 643.57 432.75
Interest 0.02 35.28 0.14 240.69 212.44
Depreciation 25 26.33 75 135.82 108.2
4 PROFIT/(LOSS) BEFORE TAXATION 195.64 376.55 391.13 267.06 112.11
Excess Provision for taxation written back 0 0 0 0 0.41
5 PROFIT/(LOSS) AFTER TAXATION 195.64 376.55 391.13 267.06 112.52
6 Paid up Equity share capital (Rs10/-each) 646.12 646.12 646.12 646.12 646.12
7 Reserves excluding revaluation reserve 1499.67 1089.72 1499.67 1089.72 1499.67
8 Earning per Share Basic 3.03 5.83 6.05 6.50 1.74
Diluted 3.03 5.83 6.05 6.50 1.74
9 Public shareholding          
Number of Shares 4713287 4713287 4713287 4713287 4713287
Percentage of shareholding 72.95 72.95 72.95 72.95 72.95
10 Promoters & Promoter Group Shareholding          
a) Pledged/Encumbered          
  Number of Shares Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
  Percentage of shares Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
b) Non-encumbered          
  Number of Shares 1747955 1747955 1747955 1747955 1747955
  Percentage of shares ( as a % of total shareholding of promoter & promoter group) 100 100 100 100 100
  Percentage of shares ( as a % of total share capital) 27.05 27.05 27.05 27.05 27.05

  • The above results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved and taken on record by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 8th March 2011.
  • Other Expenses includes writing off Fencing Rs.100.96 and some Sundry Balances Rs.58.96 lacs for the quarter ended 31 Dec 2010 and the amount for the period ended 31 Dec 2010 includes Rs.468.02 on such account.
  • The company is engaged in a single segment of cultivation, processing, manufacture, blending and sale of tea.
  • In view of the carry forward losses no provision for taxation has been made. As a matter of prudence the deferred tax asset has been recognised only to the extent of deferred tax liability.MAT provision,if any, would be considered at the end of the financial year.
  • As at the beginning of the quarter there was no outstanding shareholders' complaints. During the quarter under review, the company received no complaints/queries from the shareholders.
  • In view of the on going discussion with it's secured lenders for restructuring/settlement of dues, no provision for interest payment has been made.The effect of the same would be incorporated on finalisation/approval of such settlements.

1, Shakespeare Sarani
Dated: 8th March , 2011
Siddharth Rampuria
Managing Director